But we don't have children, why would I want you to come paint my bedroom?
Night Scenes is definitely not just for kids. People of all ages enjoy looking at the night sky. I know of very few people who look at the night sky and just say, 'Ho-hum, or whatever.' Night Scenes is for all ages.
But I can just go outside and look for free.
You can and I hope you do. But half the year, it is too cold, and the other half it too hot, or rainy, and many people just do not bother to carry out a blanket or lawn chair to gaze at the stars. Night Scenes is there for you every night, night after night after night.
But I have a 'popcorn' ceiling. Will that work?
Yes, the surface doesn't matter as long as it is painted beige or off-white, which is what nearly all ceilings are painted. However, some features may not be able to be painted on extremely rough surfaces. Basic stars and milky-way clouds can be done on all surfaces.
What if I don't want to watch the stars every night?
Rooms have to be fairly dark to enjoy the full effect. A small night light, computer light, or light from a hallway are enough to diffuse the stars.
Will the stars be seen during the day?
They are virtually unnoticed during regular daytime light.
What constellations do you have available to paint on my ceiling?
Big Dipper
Little Dipper
Corona Borealis
What about the Zodiac Signs?
As a business owner who is a Christian, I do not promote the Zodiac because I believe the beliefs about them go against the teachings of the Bible. However, the stars that make them up, are real and created by the God I serve; and if asked, will not refuse to paint them for you.